Saturday, October 28, 2006

Strength and Cardio Circuit Training

Why Circuit Training? What Is Circuit Training?

To add variety to your fitness training program, you have to vary your workout routine from time to time. Variation, periodization and cross training can help you reduce risk of injury, keep you from being bored, blast through your plateau so that you can keep making progress.

Strength and cardio circuit training is an excellent program to achieve this purpose. Perform these exercises back to back without rest (or with very little rest) until you complete the circuit. Have some water, rest for a few minutes and repeat the same circuit.

How to Do It?

Several sample circuit training routines are listed in the following. You can start with your own bodyweight. Bodyweight circuit training workout routine is useful when you don't have weights at home. You can do it in your hotel room when you're traveling and don't have access to the gym. Do it in the park or in small groups.

Bodyweight workout could be just as gruelling and challenging!

Change the number of repetitions and pace yourself to suit your fitness level. Substitute the exercise with a similar variation. If you work out in the gym, you have more options in equipment to work with. For example, try incline or decline bench press to replace flat bench press.

For strength machine, barbbell and dumbbell exercises, choose proper weights so that you complete the circuit. That means you have to reduce the weight that you can normally do for your 6-rep set. Start at 50% normal weight if you're not sure. Add or reduce weight as needed so that you can complete the circuit feeling somewhat sored and breathless.

You can alternate between workout A and workout B for barbell and dumbbell circuits. Always warm up for at least 5 to 10 minutes before exercise. Cool down and stretch after exercise.

The Good Things about Circuit Training

Strength and cardio circuit training provides you the benefits of both weight training and cardiovascular exercise in a single workout session. Your heart rate is elevated as you keep moving weights with different muscle groups in different angles and positions. Your metabolism is fired up to keep burning fat even for a few hours after you leave the gym.
Strength and cardio circuit training is one of the best and most efficient ways of burning body fat and revealing your six-pack abs.

The circuit training is pushing your body aerobically while still challenging your strength. It allows you to work your aerobic system while simultaneously working on your strength and muscular endurance. You'll improve your overall strength endurance and cardiovascular capacity.

What Is Circuit Training Not For?

However, strength and cardio circuit training is not meant to be a complete balanced total body workout. It does not replace your regular strength, muscle-building or cardiovascular training programs. Even though you move from exericse to exercise very quickly, it does not mean that you're allowed to bounce or jerk the weights up and down. You still have to maintain good forms when lifting weights.

How to Design a Super Great Circuit Training Routine

As you can see, I design the workout routines adhering to my principles in balanced total-body training & prioritiy training:
  • Train both upper & lower body and core area
  • Train both front & back sides of the muscle groups for balance
  • Train both left & right sides of the muscle groups for balance
  • Train large muscle groups first & small/assisting muscle groups later
  • Train with compound exercises first & isolation exercises later
  • Priority-train weak and imbalanced muscle groups
  • Priority-train hard-to-see-by-yourself muscle groups

Add or replace with one of these workouts in your training program once a week. It helps you tone up muscles, melt body fat and reveal your six pack abs. Who don't want to have at least firm and flat abs?

To keep stimulating your body and making progress, try different versions of each exercise; e.g., one-hand pushup or clap pushup, jump squat or Bulgarian split squat, stiff-leg deadlift or Romanian deadlift. You'll finish your workout more efficiently and never be bored with workout again. You get maximum results in minimum time.

Sample Bodyweight Circuit Workout Routine
Squat x 30 reps
Standard Pushup x 30 reps
Mountain Climber x 20 reps
Curlup x 20 reps
Superman Backraise x 10 reps
Lunge x 10 reps each leg
Wide-width Pushup x 10 reps
Narrow-width Pushup x 10 reps
Oblique Twist x 30 reps
Opposite Arm and Leg Lift x 10 reps
Down Plank, hold for one minute

Watch Demo Video 1 >>

Watch Demo Video 2 >>

Sample Strength Machine Circuit Workout Routine
Leg Press x 20 reps
Chest Press x 15 reps
Shoulder Press x 10 reps
Seated Row x 15 reps
Leg Extension x 10 reps
Leg Curl x 10 reps
Pec Flye x 10 reps
Triceps Pushdown x 10 reps
Abdominal Curl x 15 reps
Back Extension x 15 reps
(You may have tough time moving from machine to machine without a break in a commercial gym unless you have a reserved personal training session to line up these machines for you.)

Sample Barbbell Circuit Workout Routine A
Back Squat x 15 reps
Military Press x 10 reps
Snatch-grip Deadlift x 10 reps
Bent-over Row x 10 reps
Hang Clean x 6 reps
Good Morning x 10 reps

Sample Barbell Circuit Workout Routine B
Bench Press x 12 reps
Bench Press (close grip) x 8 reps
Upright Row x 8 reps
Triceps Press x 6 reps
Biceps Curl x 6 reps
Wrist Curl x 6 reps

Sample Dumbbell Circuit Workout A
Sumo Wide-stance Squat x 15 reps
Arnold Press x 10 reps
Deadlift x 10 reps
One-arm Row x 10 reps each side
Squat & Push Press x 6 reps
Shrug x 6 reps

Watch Demo Video >>

Sample Dumbbell Circuit Workout B
Bench Press x 12 reps
Incline Bench Press x 8 reps
Lat Pullover x 8 reps
Lateral Raise x 6 reps
Triceps Kickback x 6 reps
Biceps Hammer Curl x 6 reps
Watch Demo Video >>

Check out more fat-burning training and workout routines.

>>> Sign up for FREE monthly e-Newsletter to receive insider training tips, workout routines and check out your FREE bonus e-books to help you build muscles, lose fat and uncover your six pack abs.

Copyright 2006 by C. Carey Yang and Beyond Fitness Solutions, LLC.
All rights reserved.

Visit my YouTube Channel to watch FREE Home Workout training programs based on bodyweight, dumbbells and simple exercise equipment that you can do at home or in the backyard.

Cardio Exercises - Good or Bad? How to H.I.I.T. to Burn Fat All Day

Do You Need "Cardio Exercises" to Lost Fat and Stay Lean?

Is there "good cardio" and "bad cardio"? Are there any other different kinds of "cardio"? I'm sure you're either shocked or puzzled to hear why I'm even asking these questions.

"Cardio" and "aerobics" have been wrongly used interchangeably, as synonyms for "endurance." "Cardio" should be used for any type of exercise that makes the heart and lungs work harder. "Cardio" describes any exercises that use the following three energy systems: phosphagen system, anaerobic glycolysis and aerobic metabolism. Your body uses a combination of these three energy systems in different ratios in different period of time depending on the type of activities involved.

Look around and ask around in your gym. You'll be surprised or you shouldn't be surprised to find out that some lean and muscular fitness buffs rarely do normal or "traditional cardio" workout. On the other hand, you know some people (perhaps yourself included) who are running on the treadmill one hour a day for six days a week, but cannot seem to lose enough weight to shape up or lose that perpetually stubborn 10 pounds.

The Long, Slow, Boring "Cardio"
In fact, when you're running the same routine day in and day out without changing up, you're prone to joint wear-and-tear and risk of overuse injury. You may actually start muscle wasting by subjecting your body to catabolic conditions. Not only that you don't burn fat efficiently as your body adapts to the same routine, but you may start to lose lean muscle mass. So you may actually get fat. This is absolutely not the ideal scenario for your weight loss effort.

Low Intensity Steady State (L.I.S.S.) Traditional Cardio

It's common for fitness and medical professionals to prescribe low to moderate intensity aerobic (cardio) training to overweight or deconditioned people in order to prevent heart disease or lose weight along the line of continous 30 to 60 minutes of steady pace cardio exercise 3 to 5 times a week maintaining heart rate at a certain level. This type of long and slow continuous training is a good starting point but not the end of it. It's easy to do but not the most effective cardio exercise to lose fat.

Yes, you do burn some calories during the period of time you're running on the treadmill in the L.I.S.S. type aerobic exercise. But as soon as you step off from the machine, your body stops burning calories after a few minutes. You'll need to run longer and longer in order to burn more calories because your body learns to get more efficient in burning calories using aerobic oxygen. Time is your most precious asset. In today's busy work-lifestyle, you'll be running out of time to run very soon!

Marathoners vs. Sprinters

Humans are probably the only creature in nature that attempt to do "endurance" type physical activities. Most competitive sports (except endurance running and cycling) are based on highly variable stop-and-go movements. Weight training naturally incorporates short bursts of exertion followed by recovery periods.

Look at the physiques of marathoners versus sprinters. Most sprinters (including football running backs and wide receivers) are lean, muscular and powerful whereas typical marathoners are thinner with less muscle. As a matter of fact, there are many fat marathoners crossing the finish line. But you rarely see fat sprinters, almost non-existent.

Gym Rat Cardio

Don't get me wrong. I like running as well, mostly outdoors. I'm not anti cardio but I want you to reconsider the so called traditional cardio for a moment. For "traditional" cardio I mean by performing aerobic activities such as running on a treadmill, riding a stationary bike or gliding on an elliptical machine in a low intensity steady state (L.I.S.S.) pace for longer than 30 to 60 minutes.

If you're one of the gym rats who do L.I.S.S. type "cardio" 5 times a week and you're proud to say that you've lost a lot of fat, are happy with your physique and have lean muscular body to show for, you can stop reading now.

What if you've spent so much time in the gym, worn out 5 pairs of running shoes a year, started having knee, shin and ankle aches, and still didn't see the results you've wanted to achieve, I have good news for you. Please read on.

High Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T.) Turbulence Cardio

Want to burn fat and get in shape quick? High intensity interval training (H.I.I.T) is a better and more effective training method to lose fat and condition your heart muscles. The concept of H.I.I.T. cardio workout involves repeated bouts of harder work phase interpersed with periods of easier recovery phase.

If you've been cruising at L.I.S.S. on the treadlmill, stationary bike or elliptical machine while reading books, listening to your iPod workout music or watching sports on TV, challenge youself with the following H.I.I.T. treadmill routine.

H.I.I.T. Treadmill Running Routine by Pace

Warm up by fast walk or light jog for 5 minutes.

Run at 8 miles/hr pace for 2 minutes
Walk at 4 miles/hr pace for 3 minutes
Run at 10 miles/hr pace for 2 minutes
Walk at 4 miles/hr pace for 3 minutes

Repeat this cycle 2 to 3 times for a very intense H.I.I.T. "cardio" session followed by cool-down and stretching.

You got the idea? You can also change up the intensity or work-to-recovery ratio by modifying the pace and duration. If you increase the grade or incline level like running uphill, your cardio intensity increases as well.

Most people in the gym have no idea about their running pace. They probably don't care about their running pace in miles per hour or minutes per mile. Having a good sweat and calorie burn is their main cardio concern.

Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE)
Another yardstick to measure the level of cardio intensity is the so called "talk test." It's based on "how you feel" about the level of intensity in a cardio exercise. A revised Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) on the scale of 1 to 10 is used to gauge the level of intensity. Scale "1" means at rest or no movement. Scale "3" is weak, easy and you can carry on a conversation and finish a sentence without problem. Scale "5" is moderate, strong and you're breathing a little harder and cannot complete a sentence without a break. Scale "7" is hard, very strong and you're breathing heavily and unable to speak in complete sentences. Scale "9" is very hard and extremely strong like you're sprinting 100 meters at full speed.

The RPE method takes out the guesswork of your running speed, grade or incline level and your actual physical condition. It can be used for people who are taking medications that are artificially altering their heart rates or blood pressures. It helps these people to "listen to their bodies."

Another advantage with RPE is that it can be applied to cardio programming on elliptical trainers and stationary bikes, both would otherwise have to use "stride per minute" and "resistance level" as the parameters. Here is an example of using RPE to prescribe an H.I.I.T. cardio routine.

H.I.I.T. Cardio Routine by RPE
Time by Minutes vs. RPE (scale 1-10)
0-5 at 1 up to 3 for warm-up
5-8 at 5
8-10 at 7
10-13 at 3
13-15 at 7
15-18 at 3
18-20 at 7
20-23 at 3
23-25 at 7
25-30 at 3 down to 1 for cool-down

This H.I.I.T. routine uses the RPE as the gauge for leve of intensity. It mainly alternates RPE intensity levels between 7 and 3 for a total of four intervals. The work to recovery ratio by time is 2:3; that is, 2 minutes of very strong intensity at scale 7 vs. 3 minutes of moderate intensity at scale 3.

Several training parameters can be varied to get different levels of H.I.I.T. cardio workout: the scale of intensity and duration in each work and recovey period (work-to-recovery ratio), the number of repeats (intervals) and interval programming/pattern.

There is a very distinct advantage of H.I.I.T. cardio over traditional L.I.S.S. aerobic exercise due to its anaerobic effect. You're burning calories during the H.I.I.T cardio exericse. Your body will be still in the calorie-burning mode for a few hours after you finish the H.I.I.T. Your metabolism is elevated to keep burning calories for a few more hours.

One thing to remember is that you should keep H.I.I.T. cardio exercise within 30 minutes. Keep it short but at very high level of intensity. Preferably you perform full H.I.I.T. cardio training sessions on non-strength training days. In this way, you can be more focused and devote your undivided energy to H.I.I.T. cardio.

By all means H.I.I.T cardio is very intense. It's a good training practice by limiting full H.I.I.T. cardio to not more than 3 sessions a week. This is a guideline, not a hard rule. You need good nutrients and rest to recover your body and mind from the high intensity strength and cardio training. Muscle growth and body transformation occur when you rest, repair and recover training stresses.

Maximize Your Strength Training with H.I.I.T. Cardio

One great way to fire up your fat-burning furnace and keep it burning is to do a brief 10- to 15- minute H.I.I.T. cardio at mostly RPE scale of 7 to 8 at the end of your strength training session.

It'll help you melt away unwanted body fat faster than ever. The excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) demand due to high intensity strength training and H.I.I.T. cardio will fire up your metabolism and keep your body in fat-burning mode for good 24 to 48 hours.

You'll save time for separate cardio training sessions by integrating a brief H.I.I.T cadio into your strength training sessions. Not only does it save you time, H.I.I.T. cardio also helps you reap more benefits from your strength training.

The only exception to not doing H.I.I.T. cardio right after strength training is the day you've done "heavy" leg training. Your legs are pretty much fatigued. In this case, you can do low intensity walking or jogging to keep blood pumping. Stretch your quadriceps, hamstrings, related muscle groups and any tight areas. This is the time you need to eat to replenish glycogen, refuel your body and repair muscle tissues.

H.I.I.T. Outdoor Hill Running Routine

Don't be despaired if you've been training and running for long distance races. You don't have to give up your running. Just train differently to reap the benefits.

Try hill running when you like to run outdoors. When you're in a race, the surface is never flat and straight. Think of hill training like a running-specific workout. Hill running is very simple to do.

Pick a hill in your neighborhood or in a park, perhaps 15 degrees grade and 100 yards long. Run uphill at a pace that you feel a RPE intensity level of 7 to 8. Catch your breath at the top of the hill. Walk down the hill to recover. Repeat the "running uphill and walking downhill" cycle a few more times. It is a similar H.I.I.T. routine that use running uphill as the work phase and walking downhill as the recovery phase.

Some treadmills or elliptical trainers have built-in Hill Interval program. Simply select a base resistance level. Adjust the level of intensity by changing the uphill and downhill time intervals. You can have a great indoor hill running.

Hill running is a very taxing cardio workout to your body. It's so hard to catch your breath when you reach the top of the hill. Your heart rate is racing to the roof trying to catch up with oxygen consumption in order to defy the gravity. Do it only once or twice a week as an integrated part of your running program. It will help you pass the speed bump around mile 21 on the Heartbreak hill in Boston Marathon.

H.I.I.T. Speedwork Track Running Routine

Another popular training program for endurance running is speedwork or distance repeat. This is typically done on a well-marked flat trail or a 400-meter track. The following is an example of H.I.I.T. routine on indoor or outdoor track.

After 10 minute light jogging warm-up, you can do one of the following routines followed by a 10-minute cool-down jog:
  • 6 to 8 repeats x 400 meter with a two-minute recovery jog
  • 3 to 4 repeats x 800 meter with a four-minute recovery jog
  • 2 to 3 repeats x 1600 meter with a six-minute recovery jog
You can also do 100-meter or 200-meter repeats with shorter recovery periods. In addition, you can group some of these distances in a given training session.
Here is another example of H.I.I.T. speedwork running routine that mixes different work-to- recovery ratios in one workout session.

H.I.I.T. Routine with Variable Work-to-Recovery Ratios

Run 400 meters
Jog for two minutes
Run 800 meters
Jog for four minutes
Run 1600 meters
Jog for six minutes
Sprint for 200 meters

Finish up with light jog, stretching and rest. Pack up, go home, you're done for the day. No more mindless running on the treadmill, reading newspapers or watching sports on the TV while riding a stationary bike. It will really challenge your cardiovascular system, elevate your metabolism and keep your body in a fat burning mode for a while.

40 Yard Dash - Sprint Interval

Have you ever seen fat, out-of-shape running backs and wide receivers in (American) football?

When the time strikes, they need to rush the last 40 yards to the end zone for a touchdown. They're highly paid athletes and they train hard to deliver the results. They look lean, strong, muscular and agile. They run with incredibly powerful dashing speed.

They don't jog at L.I.S.S. 5 times a week at low intensity of RPE 4 to get in shape, do they?

You don't need to do wind-sprint with a small parachute on your back or run with a weighted sleigh in the field. If you can get to the football field in high school or college, sprint for 40 yards then walk slowly on your way back to the starting line. You probably need to rest a few more minutes. Repeat a few times.

Sprint interval is similar to the H.I.I.T. routine of speedwork or distance repeat. In this case, the distance is 40 yards. The RPE intensity level is at least on the scale of 9 for sprinting speed. The football field is well marked with a white line in very 10 yards with a number. You can't miss it.

The work-to-recovery ratio in 40-yard dash repeat is very low. Even it takes 10 seconds for you to sprint the 40 yards, it may take 5 minutes of rest for your to be able to sprint again. However, the level of intensity is extremely high. The anaerobic effect and after-burn will help you burn fat for a few more hours. Record your sprint time, rest periods and number of repeats.

Just visualize that now you've got the ball. It's 4th quarter, 10 seconds left on the ticking clock. Your team is 14 vs. 21 behind your opponent. You need a touchdown plus a kick to tie for overtime. Sprint as fast as possible, straight through to the end zone for a touchdown. Close your eyes and feel the thrill when tens of thousands of audience are cheering for you!

Stadium Stair Running Interval

If you've been able to do your H.I.I.T. running on the 400-meter track in a high school or college, why not try stair running on the stadium stairs.

It's similar to hill running by running upstairs at RPE intensity level of 7 to 8. Then walk downstairs slowly to recover. Repeat a few times. Your heart rate will be racing all the way up.

Be Creative and Have Fun

Working out is supposed to fun; otherwise you won't stick to it for the long run. Be creative about your cardio training routine. Mix it up by cross training with a variety of cardiovascular exercises in a range of intensity levels. You won't get bored from the same old routine or get injuried from wear-and-tear and overtraining.

When the weather is nice and sunny outside, enjoy running in the park with your family or try dirt-road trail running with your more competitive training buddies.

If you like to run outdoors around your neighborhood, why not mix and match different H.I.I.T. routines on different terrains. Jog or run slowly on curvy or uneven roads. Run fast or sprint on straight, unobstructed sections. Run uphill for your hill training. Walk downhill to recover and catch your breath. Take a break for water and do some light stretching at the cul-de-sac. Turn around to follow the same path or take a different route back home.

Why not "run" your dog next time? Your poodle wouldn't mind running and getting some exercise. In fact, approximately 40 percent of dogs in the U.S. now are considered overweight! People cause pets' obesity.

Too Much Cardio to Burn off Hard Trained Lean Muscle?

What if you're just doing strength or weight training, do you need cardio exercises? Are you worried that too much cardio will catabolize your hard-trained lean muscle? Consider this again, as long as an exercise keeps your heart pumping, and pumping harder, and you're huffing and puffing, you have done a "cardio" exercise to strengthen your cardiovascular system.

You probably have heard about "circuit training" by way of doing 5 to 10 exercises one after each other without rest (or with very little rest) in a circuit fashion. You can perform a strength and cardio circuit training with your own bodyweight, on Cybex strength machines, or with barbells or dumbbells.

You get the rewards from both strength and cardio training by keeping your heart rate up using light to moderate weight or resistance. Do it when you're pressed for time to get out of the gym or use it as a cross training routine to add variety to your workout.

H.I.I.T. Benefits

The potential benefits of high intensity interval training over the traditional slow steady state aerobic training are:
  • Improved cardiovascular fitness, particularly anaerobic conditioning.
  • Elevated VO2 max and lactate threshold
  • Increased anti-oxidant protection
  • Reduced risk for joint wear and tear
  • Reduced muscle wasting
  • Increased work capacity for the heart to handle life's up-and-down stress cycle.

It will kick your fitness level up another notch. You may start to burn the fat more efficiently while preserving your lean muscle mass.

High Intensity Strength Training + H.I.I.T. Cardio


Lean, Strong, High-Performance Body

  1. Tremblay A, Simoneau JA, Bouchard C. Impact of exercise intensity on body fatness and skeletal muscle metabolism. Metabolism. 43(7):814-8, July 1994.
  2. Tabata et al. Effects of moderate-intensity endurance and high-intensity intermittent training on anaerobic capacity and [spacing dot above]VO2max, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 28(10):1327-1330, October 1996.
  3. Talanian, Galloway et al., Two weeks of High-Intensity Aerobic Interval Training increases the capacity for fat oxidation during exercise in women. J Appl Physiol, 102: 1439-1447, 2007.

>>> Sign up for FREE monthly e-Newsletter to receive insider training tips, workout routines and check out your FREE bonus e-books to help you build muscles, lose fat and uncover your six pack abs.

Copyright 2006 by C. Carey Yang and Beyond Fitness Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved.


Try P90X to Get into The Best Shape of Your Life!

Friday, October 27, 2006

How to Apply Cold Therapy?

Ice is by far the most important element of R.I.C.E. treatment when you're injured. Ice therapy on the injured area is very effective in reducing swelling and pain. Apply ice as soon as possible after an injury.

How do apply cold therapy? Crushed ice in a plastic bag is usually the best. Blocks of ice, commercial cold packs, bags of frozen vegetables will do the same job. Just be careful not to apply ice directly to the skin to prevent ice burns or further skin damage. Wrapping the ice in a damp towel provides the best protection for the skin.

How long and how often? The opinions vary. The most common recommendation is to apply ice for 20 minutes for every two hours for the first 48 to 72 hours. This is just a general guideline. If you (particularly elderly people or children) have lower tolerance to cold, you can reduce the frequency to 5 to 10 minutes for every hour. People with circulatory problems are also more sensitive to ice. You should use your own judgment when applying ice. Twenty minutes could be too much for some people, while some other people can leave the ice on for up to an hour at a time.

One thing is to avoid is applying any form of heat on the injured area for the first 24 to 72 hours, including heat lamps, heat creams, spas, Jacuzzis and saunas. Avoid massaging the injured area. In addition, avoid alcohol consumption. These things will increase bleeding, swelling and pain of your injury.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Cold or Hot?

When you're injured and feel painful, you probably know to put ice around the injured area. The question is do you continue to apply cold or start hot treatment afterward and for how long and how often? Your body begins to repair itself when you're injured. The damaged area received increased blood flow that can result in inflammation. Although inflammation is part of the natural healing process, it can also lead to swelling and pain. That's when cold and hot therapies come to rescue.

The initial treatment that doctors recommend is R.I.C.E. (rest, ice, compression and elevation) and referral for medical treatment. Cold therapy applied immediately to an injury can reduce inflammation and pain. After applying cold to the injury for a period of time and if the swelling has subsided, you may start to apply heat to increase blood flow and circulation, speed up the healing process, and promote flexibility.

But before you reach for the hot pack, here's some general guideline. Cold therapy is effective in reducing the pain and swelling due to inflammation. It also helps relieve chronic discomfort or soreness as a result of arthritis, back pain, neck pain and other joint and chronic pain. In some cases, it's helpful by alternating cold and hot therapies. e.g., muscular sprains/strains, post-surgical pain, injuries and other acute pain. Hot therapy is used to relieve pain and restore flexibility for specific conditoins such as arthritis, cramps, muscle aches and menstrual cramps. Physical therapists also recommend hot therapy before exercise to increase mobility and then cold therapy after exercise to decrease aggravation.

As always, seek medical professionals or post-rehab specialists/trainers for advices to your specific conditions.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Get Rid of Abdominal Fat, Uncover Your Six Pack Abs

As a personal trainer, I'v got asked all the times as to how to build lean muscles and lose weight. The conversation all ends up revolving around the struggles that most people are having with losing that flabby stomach fat. That stubborn fat just doesn't seem to want to go away no matter what they try.

Just recently I had the pleasure of meeting a fellow fitness professional named Mike Geary of Now Mike is a well-known expert who deals exclusively with the most effective strategies for losing stomach fat so that you can finally uncover those elusive six pack abs that everyone desires.

Some of Mike's strategies deal with nutrition aspects and others deal with training techniques, but I was impressed to see that Mike has put together one of the most comprehensive resources for dealing with all of the aspects necessary to finally get rid of that nasty belly fat for good.

The key is that Mike focuses on the REAL techniques that are going to get you lasting results, and teaches you how to avoid all of these "quick-fix" scams and gimmicks that are all over the infomercials and the internet these days.

Several of the mistakes that Mike see's every day where people are going wrong in their fat loss attempts are:

  1. Most people are wasting too much of their time doing hundreds of reps of ineffective crunches, situps, and other "abs pumping" exercises in their attempt at losing stomach fat. Mike has discovered that there are certain highly effective exercises that stimulate your metabolism much better, and increase your fat burning hormone levels much more. These exercises that Mike outlines are the best of the best for getting a lean, chiseled body. Surprisingly to most, the majority of these most effective exercises for stomach fat loss are NOT "abs-specific" exercises. Not only that, but Mike shows you how to combine and sequence them to get the best metabolic and fat loss results possible, changing the shape of your entire body.
  2. Most people are wasting way too much time doing hours upon hours of boring monotonous cardio routines. Mike has researched this topic extensively, including an entire course he's taken comparing different modalities of cardiovascular exercise. After all of this research, we've come to the conclusion that the majority of people out there are not doing the right types of cardio exercise. In fact, most people may actually be inadvertantly decreasing their metabolic rate by doing too much of the wrong types of cardio!
  3. Most people are failing miserably with fad diets. Mike reveals exactly why most low-carb or low-fat diets are actually working against what your body needs to become lean and ripped and maintain it for life! Mike shows you exactly how to stop falling for the gimmick diets and finally develop a truly healthy eating style that you can actually enjoy for life without being overly restrictive. It's actually easier and more enjoyable than you believe!

Go to Mike's Truth about Six Pack Abs site today and discover the exact system that Mike is using to help thousands of his clients from all over the world get leaner than they've ever been before. This system will help you to lose that stubborn stomach fat that has plagued you for years, so you can finally get that sexy six pack that you've always wanted.

Again, here's the link to claim your own six pack abs.

Train smart, stay Lean

Carey Yang, Certified Personal Trainer
Truth about Six Pack Abs
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